

This blog explores the transformative impact of Ozempic, a pioneering drug that has reshaped the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Highlighting the growing global prevalence of these conditions, it underscores the importance of scientific innovation in addressing major health challenges. Through advances in research and perseverance, Ozempic has emerged as a symbol of progress, offering ...


Nieprzerwanie - do chwili obecnej - jako najstarsza polska organizacja w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Z okazji tej rocznicy przypominamy historię powstawania Stowarzyszenia.


Jak wiedza o naszych mózgach przyczynia się zarówno do rozwoju nowych technologii, jak i do radzenia sobie z nimi? Omowie ten temat na podstawie dwoch projektow w jakich obecnie biore udzial, FinalSpark i Psync.

Cross-border Cooperation

Stowarzyszenie Polskich Inżynierów i Technikowi w Austrii (VPI), członek Europejskiej Federacji Polonijnych Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych (EFPSNT), Association of Polish Engineers w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz Zespól Współpracy z Zagranicą Dolnośląskiej Okręgowej Izby Inżynierów Budownictwa serdecznie zapraszają polskich inżynierów na szkolenie oraz wymianę doświadczeń w dn. 04-06.10.2024 do ...


Have you got what it takes to be a technical assessor?
Becoming a self-employed independent technical assessor for UKAS is a way for engineering professionals to expand their skills and take their career to the next level.

Cross-border Cooperation

Zapraszamy na Europejski Kongres Inżynierów Polonijnych, który odbędzie się 24-27 października w Heidelbergu.

On Saturday 24th April 2024 an Annual General Meeting of the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain took place at POSK building in London. The Executive Committee and members present in person and on-line elected new council and executive members. Monika Kolatka, Michal Kowalski and Michal Slawek joined the board of trustees as new members. Michal Slawek was elected as a new secretary of ...

Cross-border Cooperation

Another workshop for Polish engineers as part of the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain Technical Academy activities. The trip to Dubai /Abu Dhabi will provide an opportunity to learn how buildings ''in the Middle of the desert'' have been constructed over 50 years.

Engineer's Toolkit Blog

Getting chartered while working in Poland in the building services field (mechanical, electrical, public health) is very important. Some of you might wonder how the process of getting chartered compares in the UK to Poland.

There are a few institutions that offer the route to chartership. One of them is CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers). Today, we will review the ...

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