
On Saturday 24th April 2024 an Annual General Meeting of the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain took place at POSK building in London. The Executive Committee and members present in person and on-line elected new council and executive members. Monika Kolatka, Michal Kowalski and Michal Slawek joined the board of trustees as new members. Michal Slawek was elected as a new secretary of ...

Cross-border Cooperation

Another workshop for Polish engineers as part of the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain Technical Academy activities. The trip to Dubai /Abu Dhabi will provide an opportunity to learn how buildings ''in the Middle of the desert'' have been constructed over 50 years.

Engineer's Toolkit Blog

Getting chartered while working in Poland in the building services field (mechanical, electrical, public health) is very important. Some of you might wonder how the process of getting chartered compares in the UK to Poland.

There are a few institutions that offer the route to chartership. One of them is CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers). Today, we will review the ...

Cross-border Cooperation

Another workshop for Polish engineers as part of the Technical Academy activities of the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain happened.

Blog are here to guide you through the digital jungle and defeat the clickbaitalgorithms. These fantastic STEM channels offer clear explanations, engaging content, and the knowledge you crave, all without the annoying nonsense.

Cross-border Cooperation

The event included World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development and Award Ceremony of the Gold Engineer of 2023 the 30th edition by magazine ‘’Przeglad Techniczny’’ NOT.

The World Engineer Day Celebration was honoured by the representative of the President Andrzej Dera, the representatives of the Science Ministry and the former Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak. The letter from the Parliament ...


Introducing the latest report on the experiences of women in the workforce! This report dives deep into the unique challenges faced by women in the workplace, exploring a wide range of issues from pay disparities to discrimination and more. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the advancement of women's rights and equality in the professional world.

Cross-border Cooperation

Our Association has been invited by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Poland on 11.01.2024  in regards of the future cooperation between the Parties. The cold winter -18 degC and snow didn't influence on the relations between us. The meeting has been taken with Prof. Eugeniusz Koda, Ph.D. Eng. the Director of Institute of Civil Engineering on one side and Vice Chair of the Association ...

Cross-border Cooperation

Our Association has been invited by the University of Technology (UTL) Lublin Poland on 10.01.2024 in regards of the future cooperation between the Parties. The cold winter -20 degC and snow didn't influence on the relations between us.


The idea of a broken heart may make you think about a bad breakup, a sad Hollywood movie or an emoji - it is in fact a real medical condition. Broken Heart Syndrome is also recognised as Takotsubo Syndrome (TTS), Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (TCM) or Stressed Induces Cardiomyopathy (and several other names). It was described in Japan for the first time in 1990 by Dr Hikaru Sato, but the rest of the ...