Visit at the Lublin University of Technology

Our Association has been invited by the University of Technology (UTL) Lublin Poland on 10.01.2024 in regards of the future cooperation between the Parties. The cold winter -20 degC and snow didn't influence on the relations between us. The meeting has been taken with the Pro Rector of Science Prof PhD, DSc, Eng Wojciech Franus and the Member of the Board Prof Andrzej Gontarz on one side and Vice Chair of the Association Teresa Bilinska MSc CEng. The lecture ''Work on the international engineering market is a contemporary necessity'' has been provided by Teresa Bilinska in person in front of 80 students and lecturers from UTL and the next was the lecture '' Project management in construction'' by Sebastian Czajka MSc Eng on –line from the Association. The warm hospitality of UTL has been continued during the lunch in the local cousine restaurant ''Chata''. Afterwards a quick visit with a Dean of Mechanical Engineering took place. UTL provided the great hospitality for the Association of Pworking in Poland and Enolish Engineers representants that was a first step for the future cooperation between our Organisations. The contact has been provided from Anna Tarnowska -Waszak Consul of the Polish Embassy London. The warm invitation for UTL representatives to visit London and our Association has been introduced.

The cooperation is important for the polish students to open them for the international market for their development and challenges and to exchange the experience between polish engineers in Poland and on the Emmigration.