Adapting to New Challenges: A Renewed Vision for the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain

The global landscape has seen monumental shifts in recent years. Two pivotal events - COVID-19 and Brexit - have radically transformed the environment in which many organizations, including ours, operate. Not so long ago, our association witnessed a steady influx of new engineers every month. These were times of community gatherings, shared knowledge, and boundless enthusiasm. However, that's not the case anymore. 

But challenges bring opportunities, and we, at the Association of Polish Engineers in Great Britain, see a bright road ahead.

A Vision to Lead and Unite

Our aspiration is clear and ambitious: "To be the leading hub for Polish engineers and scientists in Great Britain, shaping the journey of innovation, professional growth, and cultural unity." We are not just striving to represent Polish engineers in the British Isles; we want to embody the spirit of excellence, serve as a beacon for our community, and demonstrate the prowess Polish engineers bring to the global stage.

Progressive Steps Towards Our New Vision

We understand that mere words are not enough. Action speaks louder, and we have already embarked on our journey of transformation. We remain the only minority engineering association being recognised by the Engineering Council, which allows us to elevate the standards and representation of our members.

Additionally, we continue to embrace the digital age in full force. We're migrating to a new domain (, launching a modern website, and most importantly, integrating a state-of-the-art membership management system. This shift will not only streamline our operations but will also provide an enhanced experience for our current and prospective members.

A Welcoming Home for Every Polish Engineer

Our vision is not just about leadership; it's about community. We are dedicated to cultivating an environment that is modern, professional, and welcoming. We envision our association as a sanctuary where every Polish engineer, irrespective of their background or field of expertise, feels valued, heard, and at home.

Continual Improvement and Your Role in It

In the upcoming months, you'll witness significant enhancements in our workflows, events, and the way we connect with our members. Our goal is to be more responsive, agile, and aligned with the needs and aspirations of our community.

However, this transformation is not just about us; it's about you. Your feedback, ideas, and active participation are the bedrock on which the Association of Polish Engineers stands. If you believe in our vision, have ideas to share, or just want to contribute in any capacity, we welcome you with open arms.

For collaborations, suggestions, or to join our vibrant community, do not hesitate to contact me directly at

Together, let's shape the future of Polish engineers in the UK.